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Do I need a referral to see Dr Goncalves?Yes, Dr Goncalves is an OBGYN specialist in British Columbia, therefore a referral from your Family Doctor or a Walk in Clinic Doctor is required.
What are the costs involved?Consultation and follow up costs are covered by the BC Medical Services Plan as long as you are up to date with your premiums. Non MSP covered patients will be charged British Columbia Medical Association rates. Mona Lisa Touch Laser treatment is not covered by the Provincial Medical Services Plan and is therefore an out of pocket expense.
What days does Dr. Goncalves consult?Currently Mondays, Wednesday mornings and Thursdays. Please call us and we will try our best to find the most convenient time for you.
Where does Dr. Goncalves operate and on which day?Dr Goncalves operates at Penticton Regional Hospital currently on Tuesdays. Occasionally he gets OR time on other days but not on a scheduled basis.
Where can I park?We provide parking in front of the building. Please do not block the driveway to the back of the building. It is OK to park in front of the garage door. If it is busy you may need to park on the street but beware of the No Parking zones due to the bike lane on the South side of Dawson Avenue. You may also park in the Superstore parking lot and then walk across the street. There is a public transportation bus stop directly across the street. eeks.
Can Dr. Goncalves deliver my baby?Dr Goncalves is an obstetrician-gynecologist with a special interest in pelvic floor disorders and advanced laparoscopic surgery. He works in a specialist group of 4 OBGYN's and does deliveries when he is the one on call for Penticton Regional Hospital. He cannot guarantee that he will be the one to deliver your baby depending on when you go into labor. Booked cesarians are done on his surgical days and these he can guarantee to deliver.
Is Dr. Goncalves's office located at Penticton Regional Hospital?No, Dr. Goncalves's clinic is located in a house at 146 Dawson Avenue. All major procedures and operations are done at Penticton Regional Hospital. Mona Lisa Touch Laser, Emsella HIFEM chair, Forma V, and Trusculpt iD service are provided in the office.
Can I have a Pap smear test while I'm here?Yes, you can have a smear test during your exam while you are here if you are due. However, in British Columbia, routine pap smears are usually provided by your family doctor who is responsible for your long term care and follow up.
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