December Newsletter
Season's Greetings! Wishing you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday in 2022 and a prosperous new year for 2023
Now that COVID is considered endemic and things are getting somewhat back to normal again, I just wanted to update you on what is new at my office. Unfortunately, masks are still required.
The front of the office was modernized with a new paint job to a grey and black color scheme, and a new sign was installed! Don't drive past the office and miss it! Some ladies have.
New Technology
I have been busy bringing in new technology. The latest is the Cutera Avi-Clear laser. The first and only FDA and Health Canada cleared Energy Device for the treatment of mild to severe acne. AviClear's 1726 nm wavelength treats acne at the source by selectively targeting and suppressing the sebaceous gland safely and effectively.
Designed with patient comfort in mind, AviClear is enhanced with AviCoolTM contact cooling for an optimal and safe treatment experience. Finally, a laser treatment that targets the source of acne by decreasing sebum production.
Three 1/2 hour treatments over 8 weeks that help reduce mild, moderate, and severe acne and is approved by Health Canada.
Coming in January 2023, I am pleased to be the first to bring this technology to Penticton. Call my office now for information and to be put on a waitlist.
Call weekdays, between 8:30am - 4:30pm
Laser Hair Removal
I have also brought in Medical Grade Laser Hair Removal with the Inmode Diolaze XL 810 handpiece. DiolazeXL is an advanced laser hair removal procedure that safely and gently eliminates unwanted hair. DiolazeXL has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast. The combination of efficacy, patient comfort, and speed, makes DiolazeXL a leader in laser hair removal. As a Christmas introductory special,
I am offering 50% off MSRP pricing. Book an appointment now or for the New Year and this promotion will be honored. Prices will be going up on 1 Jan 2023.
Body Contouring
Cutera Trusculpt ID Treatment
I have brought in body contouring with the Cutera Trusculpt ID treatment.
This revolutionary, non-invasive, monopolar Radiofrequency body sculpting platform offers a personalized solution and proven results in as little as one 15 minute hands free treatment with an average of 24% of fat cells in the treated area permanently destroyed.
Best results are achieved with several treatments in combination with dietary changes, and an exercise regimen. Note that this is NOT a weight loss treatment.
Inmode Evolve Body Contouring
I recently brought in the Inmode Evolve body contouring system: a series of non-surgical body remodeling procedures that provides treatment for cellulite, stubborn pockets of fat and loose skin. Using both radiofrequency(RF) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), we can induce involuntary muscle contractions to increase muscle strength and tone all at the same time. The latest technology with the Transform applicators trims fat, tightens skin, and tones muscle all at the same time. Paired with the Trusculpt ID, I am excited to get even better results, especially on the abdomen.
Inmode Plus 90
The Inmode Plus 90 is a technology developed by InMode to improve feminine health. It is a comfortable and safe treatment that can rejuvenate the external and internal genital and vaginal tissues without the need for surgery. This is for the treatment of postpartum vaginal prolapse or mild prolapse and incontinence later in life. Three twenty-minute comfortable treatments every 4 weeks can be combined with other treatments such as the Emsella or Mona Lisa to further augment results.
Mona Lisa Touch Vaginal Laser
The MonaLisa Touch is the only FDA and Health Canada-approved laser for the treatment of symptoms of pelvic aging, now known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) and previously known as vaginal atrophy. This was the first technology that I brought in. MonaLisa Touch is a completely non-hormonal and non-surgical office treatment that returns the vaginal tissue to a more youthful and healthy state.
In menopause, the collagen and elastin within the vaginal tissues decline, the lining thins and secretes less fluid, and the pH becomes more alkaline. All these changes lead to painful sex (dyspareunia) as well as increased susceptibility to bladder infections and urinary problems, collectively known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause. MonaLisa Touch is a completely hormone-free solution to these problems.
• Restores normal vaginal moisture and lubrication
• Relieves vaginal burning, itching and pain
• Improves elasticity of the vagina
• Allows couples to resume pleasurable intimacy
• Suitable for women who choose not to use hormones
• Improves mild urinary incontinence
• Relieves urgency, frequency, and recurrent urinary tract infections

Gentle but powerful pulses of laser energy are delivered to the collagen layer of the vaginal skin triggering the production of new collagen to restore vaginal skin health. Mona Lisa Touch is the treatment of choice for genitourinary changes of menopause (vaginal atrophy) in women unable to take hormones due to breast cancer or who simply prefer not to take hormones.
It is a non-surgical alternative for women not wishing to have mesh tape surgery for mild to moderate urinary incontinence, and an alternative to medications that cause severe dry mouth when treating overactive bladder.
For women who have noted decreased ability to reach orgasm or quality of orgasm since entering menopause, Mona Lisa Touch treatment of the clitoris improves the ability to reach orgasm and heightened quality of orgasm in many women.
Emerging evidence shows that the Mona Lisa Touch Laser helps to treat Lichen Sclerosis to get it under control faster and avoid having to use prolonged steroid treatment. Finally, another treatment option for this lifelong troublesome disease!
EMSELLA HIFEM Chair Treatment for Incontinence
EMSELLA utilizes electromagnetic energy to deliver thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions in a single session. Six treatments over the space of three weeks approved by Health Canada for treatment of Stress Incontinence, Urge Incontinence, and Mixed Incontinence. A comfortable, convenient treatment while remaining fully clothed that decreases incontinence episodes by over 80%.
A Message from Doctor Jose Goncalves
Besides all of the above, I continue to provide patient care with a focus on prolapse, incontinence, heavy menstrual bleeding, and some high risk obstetrical care. I provide non-surgical management of these problems with pessary fitting and of course, provide surgical management when indicated and desired by the patient.
With COVID, surgical waitlist times have increased. I provide office ultrasounds both transabdominal and transvaginal approaches. I provide in-office bladder scanning to assess post void residuals and uroflow to assess bladder function.
I am looking at exciting new technology for the nonsurgical management of stress incontinence and hope to bring this into the office in 2023. I will continue to strive to provide alternatives for the management of these very common female problems with aging.
Please forward this email to others who might benefit from the information. Positive feedback on the internet is always appreciated.
Let's get the word out that many treatment options exist for common female aging problems.
From, Dr. Jose Goncalves